What effect is ChatGPT having on student learning and the demand for tutoring?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by Open AI, an AI research company. It uses natural language processing to generate human like responses. Since it’s release in 2022 the use of artificial intelligence AI...

The Importance of Modern Foreign Languages for Students in the UK

Recent research published by the British Council revealed that in England there is a decline in the students learning modern foreign languages in secondary education. While approximately 90% of students in primary education speak...

Mock Exams: Is Revision Worth It and Should I Hire An Exam Tutor?

Everyone will at some stage in their life have wondered whether mock exams are worth revising for. This is most apparent when we are young and socialising with friends, gaming and social media all...

Top 10 Revising Tips | Best Advice for Exams and Tests Revision

Revision gets a lot of bad press. Seen as both boring and stress inducing, it is often approached with trepidation by students. The run up to exams doesn’t have to be dreary, however. Here...

Revising at Christmas | 8 Revision Tips for Exam Prep

  With school entrance exams and GCSE and A Level mocks just around the corner, you may be wondering how to help your child with exam revision over the Christmas break. No student wants...

Our Top 10 Educational Youtube Channels | Best Videos for Learning

(1) Khan Academy What does it cover? Khan Academy provides instructional videos for a host of different subjects, including Maths, Science, computer programming, History and History of Art. The Youtube channel exists alongside a...