Find an A Level Politics Tutor

A Level Politics Tutor

Every student is different. Find a tutor that’s right for you.

We’re a leading private tutoring agency

Hampstead & Frognal Tutors is a corporate member of The Tutor’s Association (TTA), and is committed to the professional standards and it’s code of professional practice.

The company is reviewed by the Good Schools Guide and features in it’s A-list of Tutoring Agencies. It is quoted as saying that Hampstead & Frognal Tutors are “excellent at matching families to tutors…” also, that "they give an outstanding service!"

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    Initial Assessment
    Booking Lessons
    Learning Support
    Education Consultancy
    Tuition Services


Our A Level Politics Tutors

A Level Politics – or Government & Politics, as it is sometimes known – is a fascinating subject. Spanning the UK voting system, the US Constitution, political theory and beyond, the challenging course requires critical thinking, detailed recall and excellent essay writing skills. 

Our A Level Politics tutors breathe life into the subject, helping teenagers get to grips with the different aspects of the course. Adept at communicating both their knowledge and enthusiasm, our tutors give students the skills and confidence they need to excel in their assessments – whether they take the form of public examinations, school tests or coursework.

Our extensive tutoring team consists of full-time tutors, first-class graduates and qualified teachers, each with substantial teaching experience and excellent university degrees. They offer a highly personalised service, tailoring their lessons to suit the needs and ambitions of their individual pupils.

Our recruitment process is rigorous. Candidates provide details and proof of their qualifications and experience, attend a face-to-face interview and are DBS checked. Only the best candidates are succeed. When we recommend a tutor, therefore, we know they will not let you down. 

How our Tutors Teach Politics

Teenagers who choose to study Politics at A Level tend to enjoy following the news and reading widely. Our tutors nurture this enthusiasm, expanding their students’ knowledge of the current affairs and helping them develop informed opinions about the world around them. Whether they are explaining the US electoral system or the development of the Labour party, they strive to convey the changing nature of politics and showcase how historical events remain relevant to today. 

Our tutors’ political awareness is coupled with detailed knowledge of the A Level exam boards. We know the different Politics courses back-to-front and ensure all of our students are thoroughly prepared for their exams. In these turbulent times, we can also help students prepare for teacher assessments, internal school exams and coursework projects. 

Our A Level Politics tutors teach both in person and online, using a range of virtual tools.  

Exam Boards we Cover

Our A Level Politics tutors cover all the main UK exam boards, including AQA and Pearson Edexcel. Key aspects of the different A Level Politics syllabi are set out below.

  • AQA: The AQA course is made up of three main sections: UK government and politics; the government and politics of the US; and political ideas. Each section of the course is assessed during a two-hour written paper, containing a mixture of medium length ‘explain’ and essay style questions. The exam board requires in-depth study of UK and US government and politics. Comparisons across the two political systems are also required.
  • Students will be required to identify parallels, connections, similarities and differences between aspects of politics. AQA hopes this will ensure that students develop a critical awareness of the changing nature of politics and the relationships between political ideas, political institutions and political processes.
  • Pearson Edexcel: Students in Year 13 preparing for a Pearson Edexcel qualification will study for three main papers: UK politics and core political ideas; UK government and non-core political ideas; and comparative politics, looking at either the USA or global politics. Each of the three components is assessed through a two-hour externally-examined paper.
  • OCR: Following a review in 2017, OCR made the decision not to redevelop AS and A Levels in Government and Politics, so this is no longer an option for teenagers today.

Is tuition right for your child?

Hiring a tutor is a significant investment in your child’s education. At Hampstead and Frognal Tutors we are committed to seeing students succeed and take pride in the results we achieve. Given the uncertainty of recent months, many teenagers are feeling anxious about their A Level grades. Our tutors are here to guide them through the academic process, meaning students can enter classrooms and exam halls with confidence.

To request a free consultation, please click here.

What We Do

When you require a tutor or other service for your child we provide a free telephone consultation to understand the tuition requirement in detail. Once you have instructed us we reach out to our dedicated team of tutors and to assign the best tutor or consultant to match your child’s learning goals. During the first lesson your dedicated tutor makes an initial assessment of your child’s academic attainment to devise an individual Learning Growth Action Plan with clear Academic Learning Goals.

booking lessons and reporting

Booking Lessons and Reporting

Using our Platform our tutors book your child’s lessons schedule onto a shared calendar that can be viewed by both Parent and tutor. Tutors provide continuous feedback and at the end of each lesson tutors deliver feedback in reference to the child’s learning progress towards the Academic Learning Goals. Our tutors also complete written reports using our shared platform where other documents such as revision notes, key learning points from lessons and exam papers are organised. A Platform for organizing your child’s unique library of resources and calendar combined with the best tutor to help your child fulfill their academic potential.

Learning support services

Learning Support Services

Hampstead & Frognal Tutors provide a comprehensive range of complementary learning support services. In addition to subject tutors for tuition during term time or holidays we also provide: Interview coaching for children preparing for school and university interviews, Independent Academic Assessments, Homeschooling Programmes, in-school tuition support, Revision Booster Courses for 11+, 13+, Pre-tests, GCSE and A-levels. Our Tutors and International Tutors also provide online Skype Tuition to children not within reach of our London Tutors and routinely accompany families travelling outside the UK.

Education Consultancy and Tuition Services

Education Consultancy and Tuition Services

Our expert education consultants provide schools and parents with a free in-depth telephone consultation to assess and identify the best matched tutors. Whether you are seeking a teacher or tutor who can be supportive, challenge, inspire or motivate, we have a plethora of highly qualified tutors and PGCE teachers, and examiners ready to help.

All of our tutors are interviewed in person, highly vetted and Enhance DBS Checked. We have a broad range of subject tutors including English, Maths, Sciences, languages and humanities. All levels are offered from KS1, KS2, 7+, 11+, 13+ through to GCSE, IGCSE, A-level and IB.

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