ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by Open AI, an AI research company. It uses natural language processing to generate human like responses. Since it’s release in 2022 the use of artificial intelligence AI...
As students advance through the different Key Stages (‘KS’) in their academic journey, mastering mathematics becomes a fundamental skill and supporting students with maths can play a crucial role in shaping their academic success. ...
In 2021, a proposal was put forward in the UK government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper which outlined various measures that aimed to improve education and training for British people after the age of...
While it may feel as though the Autumn term has barely begun, parents and children across the nation are gearing up for the upcoming 7 Plus exams. As a parent you want to give...
“I don’t get it!” “It’s boring…” “What’s the point in learning this?” These words can often be heard muttered in school Maths lessons, and moaned over kitchen tables laden with calculators, squared paper and...