Our SAT and ACT tutors
Our SAT tutors and ACT tutors are highly knowledgeable subject specialists, with a knack for bringing out the best in their students. They are very familiar with the US university system – many have personal experience of it – and prepare teenagers for the admissions tests with rigour and enthusiasm.
Fantastic communicators, our tutors craft their lessons for every pupil, and combine patience, knowledge and clarity. They are also aware that SATs and ACTs can be a source of great anxiety, and do their utmost to make teenagers feel confident and relaxed.
Our team consists of teachers who have taught at top independent schools, full-time tutors and first class Ivy League and Oxbridge graduates. Everyone at Hampstead and Frognal Tutors shares a passion for teaching and wants to help students progress to the next exciting stage of their academic careers.
We have a multi-stage recruitment process which involves an application form, a face-to-face interview and DBS certification. Applicants must also supply at least two references. When we recommend a tutor, therefore, we know you won’t be disappointed. We also provide frequent training and development opportunities for our SAT and ACT tutors to maintain the highest standards.
How our SAT and ACT tutors prepare students
First thing’s first – what are SATs and ACTs and SAT subject tests?
The American university admissions system can feel very alien and, unsurprisingly, UK schools tend to focus on applications to UK universities. Our SAT and ACT tutors know the US system back to front and will guide your child through the process. Their experience is invaluable.
Both the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Testing (ACT) assess candidates across a range of subjects, including Math, English and reading – with the option of a long essay. Our tutors understand that every candidate is unique, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Through tailor-made lessons, they concentrate on areas of improvement and polish existing skills so students can excel across the board.
When it comes to SATs and ACTs, exam technique is also important. Using past question papers, model answers and one-to-one discussions, our tutors will fine tune your child’s exam technique and anticipate potential obstacles.
SAT subject tests – as the name suggests – are standardised assessments on specific subjects, such as English Literature, History, Maths and Science. The tests give candidates the chance to show off particular skills and interests, and our subject specialist tutors encourage students play to their strengths.
Face-to-face tuition is not all we offer at Hampstead and Frognal Tutors; we also teach via Skype. If you do not live in London — or even in the UK — this can be a fantastic option. We currently have hundreds of students around the world.

Our ACT Results
95% of our students achieved Composite Scores from 32-36.
Our SAT Results
Over 90% achieved the SAT grades for Ivy League Schools
(The Ivy League schools include the most prestigious of all colleges in the United States: Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and Columbia universities and the University of Pennsylvania).
Please pass on our thanks to your tutors who supported our son through SAT Math, Physics and Chemistry. Whilst we had a lot of support through our school in London, the additional support and encouragement from your tutors was invaluable. Toby received his offer from Harvard, and we will be referring some of our friends whose children will be applying next year.
Victoria, Belgravia SW1X
Exams we Cover
ACTMath, Science, Reading, Science and optional writing.
SAT Math, Science, English Literature, History, and Languages (Chinese, French, Hebrew, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Spanish or German).
Our tutors prepare students for every element of the SAT, which consists of Maths, evidence-based reading and writing, and an optional essay. The test is 3 hours long, or 3 hours 50 minutes if you choose to write an essay.
The SAT is an alternative to the ACT and universities will accept results from both examinations. However, changes to the SAT have made it easier to prepare for the two tests concurrently and students are increasingly taking both to maximise their chances of achieving a high mark.
Each section of the SAT is scored from 200 to 800 and the highest possible score is 1600 (the average is 1060). Essays are marked separately.
The ACT is divided into five sections: English, Math, reading, Science and optional writing. Once again, our tutors can prepare candidates for every element.
Each section is scored between one and 36 and a teenager’s final mark is an average of the four core sections. Again, writing is marked separately.
Slightly shorter than the SAT, the ACT is 2 hours and 55 minutes, or 3 hours and 35 minutes if you choose the essay option.
Should my child take the SAT or the ACT?
It is important to stress that US universities accept results from the SAT and the ACT – neither is favoured over the other – and students can take both tests.
However, if your child decides to take only one of the exams, it is important to assess where their strengths lie – our tutors will help them do this. The SAT focuses more heavily on vocabulary than the ACT and does not contain a specific science section. Moreover, while the SAT Math section has both a calculator and a non-calculator section, the ACT is non-calculator throughout.
The time students have per question also varies between the tests – the SAT gives students more time to think.
Ultimately, it is a case of weighing up your child’s strengths and weaknesses and researching both exams before making a final decision.
SAT Subject Tests
For selective American universities, teenagers tend to submit scores from at least two SAT subject tests. These include English Literature, History, Language (Chinese, French, Hebrew, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Spanish or German), Math and Science.
Whatever your child is interested in, we will have a tutor for them. Tests are multiple choice and last for an hour, and language exams be written only or written with listening.
Is tuition right for your child?
Applying to university abroad can be intimidating and nerves are inevitable. However, private tutoring nurtures teenagers’ self-belief, allowing them to approach SATs and ACTs with confidence.
This confidence is not misplaced. Whether your child loves essay writing but struggles with numbers, or is keen to deepen their knowledge of certain subjects, our outstanding tutors are here to help them fly the nest with flying colours.
Further Information
We hope you have found this article helpful. We have some useful links below to help you with your college admissions research.