Our A Level Physics Tutors
A Level Physics is rigorous and demanding. Building on what students have learnt at GCSE, it covers topics ranging from electrons to thermodynamics. Teenagers need a confident grasp of Maths, as well as strong theoretical grounding, to perform well. Our A Level Physics tutors offer bespoke private tuition proven to help students excel. Whether your child feels like they are struggling or dreams of becoming a particle physicist, our tutors are here to support them.
All of our A Level Physics tutors are subject specialists, with outstanding science degrees. Many are qualified teachers with years of experience. Others are first class Oxbridge graduates who are keen to see others succeed. At Hampstead and Frognal Tutors, a strong academic record is not enough. Our tutors combine intelligence with sensitivity and enthusiasm. They offer a highly personalised service, crafted to suit the needs, ambitions and learning styles of their individual pupils.
Hiring a tutor is an important investment in your child’s education. As well as checking all of our tutors’ qualifications and experience, therefore, we also interview them personally, ask to see two references, and require them to own an up-to-date DBS certificate. The regular training and development opportunities we offer our team mean that our standards never slip. We pride ourselves on the quality of our teaching, and know that when we recommend a tutor they won’t let you down.
How our Tutors Teach Physics
A Level Physics is designed to challenge students. Teenagers need to be good at problem-solving and abstract thinking, as well as being able to perform difficult calculations. Our A Level Physics tutors promote core skills and deep understanding in their pupils. Working outwards from fundamental concepts, they ensure students grasp the building blocks of the science course. They then hone in on problem areas, swiftly identifying their pupils’ academic strengths and weaknesses. In this way, teenagers enter exam halls filled with knowledge and self-belief, confident that they will perform well.
Our private tutors know the A Level exam boards inside out. If your child needs help with exam technique, struggles with time management or finds a particular type of question difficult, we can help. Our tutors have equipped hundreds of students with effective exam and revision strategies, maximising their overall scores. This sounds rather dry. In reality, however, our tuition sessions are always dynamic and engaging. Our tutors quickly build rapport with their students, and endeavour to enthuse them with a love of their subject. Sixth Form is a time for teenagers to develop new passions and explore new intellectual avenues, and our tutors are here to guide them.
If you do not live in London but want to access our world-class tuition, don’t panic. Our A Level tutors teach both in person and via Skype. We currently have hundreds of students across the globe, all of whom find online tuition a convenient alternative to face-to-face tutoring.
A-level Physics Results
- 100% of clients agreed that our Physics tutors were highly engaging and would recommend Hampstead & Frognal Tutors for Tuition Services.
- 100% of our Physics A-level Students achieved the grades that they required for entry to their first choice University Courses.
- 94% of our Physics Tutors achieved at least two grades higher than their Mock exams.
We just received Thomas’ grades for his A-levels AAA. He is extremely pleased. Do pass this onto Tim, and thank him for the amazing tuition he gave to Thomas, and especially for scheduling the extra lessons during study leave.
Exam Boards we Cover
Our Physics tutors cover all exam boards, including OCR, AQA and Edexcel. Listed below are key aspects of the different A Level Physics syllabi and details of how students are examined.
- OCR: Students sit six modules, in (1) Development of practical skills in physics (2) Foundations of physics, (3) Forces and motion, (4) Electrons, waves and photons, (5 ) Newtonian world and astrophysics and (6) Particles and medical physics.
- They sit two 2 hour 15 minutes written papers, each worth 37% of their overall grade. They sit one 1 hour 30 minutes exam worth 26% of their overall grade. The remaining percentage is made up of assessed practical activities.
- AQA: Students cover topics including Measurements and their errors, Particles and radiation, Waves, Mechanics and materials, Electricity, Further mechanics and thermal physics, Nuclear physics, Astrophysics, Medical physics and Engineering physics.
- They sit two 2 hour exams, each worth 34% of their overall grade. They also sit an exam assessing practical skills and data analysis worth 32% of their overall grade. There is no coursework.
- Edexcel: Students study Mechanics, Electric Circuits Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nuclear and Particle Physic, Materials, Waves and Particle Nature of Light, Thermodynamics, Space, Nuclear Radiation, Gravitational Fields and Oscillations.
- They sit two 1 hour 45 minutes exams, each worth 30% of the total qualification. They also sit a 2 hours 30 minutes exam worth 40% of their grade, based on practical principles in Physics. There is no coursework.
Is tuition right for your child?
A Levels can be daunting for both students and parents. How a teenager performs in their exams will determine whether they can go to the university of their choice and pursue the career of their dreams. In an increasingly competitive world, our A Level Physics tutors will help your child to stand out from the crowd. Their passion, knowledge and dedication is outstanding, and will give your child the tools they need to shine.
Physics can lead students in a range of exciting directions. Respected by universities and employers alike, A Level Physics may spark an interest in Engineering or Medicine. Alternatively, students may wish to pursue Pure Physics at university level. Our private tutors want to nurture pupils’ interests and aspirations. Whether your child struggles to keep up with the class, therefore, or feels like they need an extra challenge, our A Level Physics tutors are here to help them flourish.