Our A Level Chemistry Tutors
Chemistry is a fascinating subject. At A Level, students study the foundations of life, examine scientific issues, and develop their practical skills. Chromatography, electrodes, compounds, entropy and hydrocarbons are all topics which your child will explore. Many students enjoy the challenge of A Level Chemistry. At the same time, however, many believe they would benefit from some extra help. At Hampstead and Frognal Tutors, we give teenagers the support they need to excel in the final stage of their school lives.
Our A Level Chemistry tutors are all subject specialists with excellent Science degrees. Experienced, passionate and academically accomplished, they provide bespoke one-to-one tuition designed to bring out the best in every pupil. Our extensive team of tutors consists of qualified teachers who have taught at top private schools, full-time professional tutors and first-class Oxbridge graduates. All have unfalteringly high standards and are determined to help young people succeed.
Finding the right tutor for your child is very important. At Hampstead and Frognal Tutors, therefore, we only hire the best. Anyone applying to become tutor with us has to show proof of their qualifications and provide two references. We also interview all of our tutors in person and require them to own a DBS certificate. Once they have been taken on, tutors enjoy a range of training opportunities, and continually develop their teaching styles.
How our Tutors Teach Chemistry.
A Level Chemistry tests students in a number of different ways. Practical skill, theoretical knowledge and mathematical ability are all put under the microscope. Our A Level Chemistry tutors ensure that every student has the scientific understanding and confidence they need to achieve the best grade they can. Quickly evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each pupil, our team provides carefully targeted academic support. Lessons are tailor-made to suit each student and our tutors are sensitive to the needs and ambitions of those they teach. Whether your child is struggling with the Chemistry course, or is striving for an A*, our tutors can unlock their potential.
Exam technique is crucial at A Level. All of our Chemistry tutors know the different exam boards and syllabi inside out, and will prepare your child for what to expect. What’s more, they can help with time management, exam related stress, and revision. At Hampstead and Frognal Tutors, however, we do more than improve exam performance. Sixth Form is a time for teenagers to cultivate new interests and to think about further study. Our Chemistry tutors are here to offer advice and guidance, and are always keen to nurture a budding love of Science.
Face-to-face teaching is not the only kind of tuition we offer. Our A Level Chemistry tutors teach via Skype as well as in person. If you live outside of London, therefore, you can still access our exceptional services. We currently help hundreds of students around the world.
A-level Chemistry Results
- 100% of our Chemistry Tutors have a Bachelor’s Degree of Chemistry or closely related Science qualification.
- 100% of Chemistry Students that applied to UK Universities including Oxbridge successfully received their first choice offers.
- 96% of Chemistry Students improved their grades by two points following a course of tuition
Dear […], I just wanted to thank you for sending us your tutor Jeremy to help Ayesha with her Exam prep. Ayesha is really happy, and her marks are now improving on the Mock papers.
Exam Boards we Cover
Our Chemistry tutors have prepared students for all exam boards, including OCR, AQA and Edexcel. Listed below are key aspects of the different A Level Chemistry syllabi and details of how students are examined.
- OCR: The A Level course is split into six modules: (1) Development of practical skills in chemistry, (2) Foundations in chemistry, (3) Periodic table and energy, (4) Core organic chemistry, (5) Physical chemistry and transition elements, and (6) Organic chemistry and analysis.
- Students sit two 2 hours 15 minutes written papers, each worth 37% of their overall grades. They also sit one 1 hour 30 minutes paper worth 26% of the total A level.
- AQA: The A Level course is divided into three parts: Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry.
- Students must sit two written exams (2 hours), each worth 35% of the total A Level. They must also sit a 2 hours practical written exam, worth 30% of the total A Level.
- Edexcel: Pupils study Advanced Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Advanced Organic and Physical Chemistry, and General and Practical Principles in Chemistry.
- Students must sit two 1 hour 45 minutes written papers, worth 30% of the total qualification. They must also sit one 2 hours 30 minutes paper worth 40% of the total qualification.
Is tuition right for your child?
Private tuition is a powerful resource. Whether your child is falling behind in class or is bored by the pace of school lessons, whether they lack confidence or hope to achieve top marks, a tutor could help them flourish. Our A Level Chemistry tutors have guided a diverse range of students through this important stage of their academic lives, placing them on the road to success.
Sixth Form can be a daunting time, for teenagers and parents alike. How your child performs in their A Levels will shape their future. Which university will they go to? Which subject will they study? Can they pursue their chosen career? We want to maximise your child’s potential, giving them the power to do whatever they want to do. With care, patience and enthusiasm, our team of world class tutors will help your child shine in the exam hall and beyond.
If you would like to request a tutor or a free assessment please click here.